Jasmine revisited

8 years ago, my niece Yasmine celebrated her 1st birthday. I surprised everyone when I…

Glass slipper

In addition to Cinderella's golden carriage, I created this glass slipper from isomalt sugar. I…

Cinderella’s golden carriage

A dream is a wish your heart makes. Well, in this case, it’s me, your…

Ariel v2

Oh how I always wanted to be part of her world. Disney’s “The little mermaid”…


Beauty and the… well, just beauty. I made this Belle cake for Najwa’s 10th birthday.…

Elsa v2

I made this Elsa cake for my niece Nadine. For some odd reason I decided…


I usually don’t take cake orders, but I made an exception for my sister’s childhood…

Hey Mickey!

Oh Mickey, you're so fine. You're so fine you blow my mind! I was so…

Minnie Mouse cake pops

For my niece Khaoula's 2nd birthday, I decided to do something different. Instead of a…


My aunt, who loves my cake work, asked for a birthday cake for her daughter…

Olaf’s gingerbread house

My niece Yasmine really wanted a frozen themed cake for her 3rd birthday. I was…
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