Lime Meringue Cookies
Yup, limes! I know, you can only find limes here in Jerusalem around the last two weeks of August. But somehow I was lucky enough to get the last limes of the season. Come to think of it, this season is pretty nuts. It’s the end of September and yet the weather is warmer than August. So maybe I shouldn’t be astonished that limes are still here. I squeezed the limes to the last drop and made myself these wonderful lime meringue cookies.
Lemon-Lime Pistachio Tartlets
Lime season is almost here and I’m going to take full advantage of it. After all, it only lasts for about two weeks here (at best). You can actually extend this period significantly using a cool trick I learned from Sharon, a dear of mine. Buy a lot of limes, go bankrupt, squeeze them all, pour into ice molds and freeze. This way, you can enjoy lime even during winter, without the heat and sweat that usually accompany it.
Lemon-Lime Cake
What I like about the last two weeks of August (except the fact that summer is coming to an end) is the lime that suddenly pops up everywhere. Hands down, lime is so much cooler than its big brother, the lemon. It’s not as sour as lemon and has a mature taste of tender bitterness. That’s why you can often find it in alcoholic drinks.

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Apple Banana Blueberry Caramel Cherry Chestnut Chocolate Cinnamon Coconut Coffee Dark chocolate Dates Dulce chocolate Gianduja Ginger Hazelnuts Honey kadaif Kinder chocolate Lavender Lemon Lime Maple Marzipan Mascarpone Meringue Milk chocolate Mint Oreo Passion fruit Peanuts Pears Pistachio Pomegranate Pumpkin Raspberry Ricotta Ruby chocolate Strawberry Vanilla Walnuts White chocolate Wine Yuzu Zucchini