Blueberry Smoothie

Every weekend ends and every week starts, but not easily. Not for me at least. Sunday is my longest workday. My week starts with a boom. Recently I traveled to Provence where I discovered that their week starts differently, and not just because it starts on Monday.

Coffee / Peanut Butter & Chocolate / Cinnamon-Banana Smoothie

Last summer I got a new blender as a gift from my parents, and since then I use it non-stop. Although I already managed to drop it and nick a corner, I can still use it.  Until I get around to replacing the broken part, I had to post my favorite smoothie mixes inspired by Jerusalem’s Muffin Boutique, where I also happened to discover the yummiest pumpkin cream cheese muffin in town.

S’mores Tart v2.0

According to some of my American friends, s’mores are made of vanilla marshmallow, Hershey’s milk chocolate and Graham crackers. A classic camping snack. Roast the marshmallow on a campfire, put it on a piece of chocolate and sandwich it between two crackers. The heat of the marshmallow melts the chocolate and you get one big gooey party in your mouth. It’s a little difficult to obtain these ingredients where I live. Every time I try to replace them with similar alternatives, I get disapproving looks from my friends. Yet, I keep trying.

Chocolate Banana Brownies

Recently I realized I’m not familiar enough with brownies. Not only that I’ve never baked brownies, but I also haven’t tried the wide variety that brownies have to offer. On my trip to london I stumbled upon a book called “Brownies, blondies and other traybakes” that’s devoted to everything brownie.

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