Mocha-Vanilla Krembo

Not every nephew or niece of mine gets an elaborate birthday cake. Sometimes there are constraints, and sometimes I’m just too tired. If I don’t make them a cake, their grandma usually does. But if I don’t make them a cake, I make them something else. This year for my eldest nephew’s birthday, I made mocha-vanilla krembo.

Vanilla Cupcakes with Mascarpone Frosting

Cupcakes. That’s actually what we also call them in this part of the world. In Arabic, we call them “cupcakes.” In Hebrew, we call them “cupcakes.” However, recently, the Hebrew Language Academy came up with a Hebrew term for cupcakes, Oogonit, which sounds like the equivalent of “little cake”. That’s actually better than the other option they were considering, Moofin Mekushat, which simply means, “decorated muffin”. 

Pistachio Tiramisu Cake

I’m having an unlucky week. I have been waiting for it to end since it started. From terrible backaches that don’t go away, to yet another annoying virus, to a non-stop leak from the ceiling and to electrical appliances that die out on you in the middle of a cold and stormy day. But here comes the redemption at last. The sun is shining and the weekend is here. In a little while I’ll be on my way to my family in Jaffa. I’m going to carry this tiramisu cake with me to celebrate my little brother’s birthday. Apparently, he really likes pistachios, just like his big brother. I guess the pistachio doesn’t fall far from the tree.

Chocolate Meringue Tartlets

Last year my American friends invited me to their Thanksgiving dinner. I baked these chocolate meringue tartlets for the event, in addition to a pistachio tart I brought as back-up. I’m pretty sure the other guests enjoyed these tartlets, you could see it on their faces. Literally, there were traces of meringue all over their beards and noses!

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