Ruby Krembo

In the past few weeks I’ve been going through krembo fever like it’s the middle of winter. Since I started making krembo (crembo) from Swiss meringue instead of Italian meringue, it became more fun to make them and safely serve them to the people I love. Like my sister, who didn’t feel well last week and was stuck at home. I made her a ruby krembo from lemon and raspberry, so pink and sweet and fruity.

Mocha-Vanilla Krembo

Not every nephew or niece of mine gets an elaborate birthday cake. Sometimes there are constraints, and sometimes I’m just too tired. If I don’t make them a cake, their grandma usually does. But if I don’t make them a cake, I make them something else. This year for my eldest nephew’s birthday, I made mocha-vanilla krembo.

Chestnut Crembo

Crembo season is here. I’m not sure what’s more exciting, the smell of the first rain or the bite from the first crembo, a classic local treat. When I eat a crembo, I personally like to start from the top and when I reach the cookie, I eat it too. Sometimes I feel like peeling all the chocolate off and eat the meringue separately. Indeed, there are many ways to eat a crembo, but why crembo in a pita is one of them I will never understand.

Lemon Crembo

Last week, Lauren & her family came to visit Jerusalem. They used to be very close neighbors once upon a time. When we met I asked Dekel, one of the kids, if he’s enjoying his trip. He said he’s having a lot of fun here, but is bummed that Crembo isn’t sold here during summer. An idea came to my mind. I went straight back home to the kitchen and started making Crembo as a little surprise for his visit the next day. He was happy, and so was I.

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