Madeleines in Provence

A little more than a year ago, good friends of mine, Yuval and Elisha, packed their belongings, said goodbye to crowded Tel Aviv and moved to France to build a new home with their baby girl Akko. Since then, they host family and friends non-stop in their beautiful house in the village of Lauris in southern France. It was only a matter of time before I would find myself there, between lavender fields and endless vineyards, raising a glass to a simpler, more charming life.

Knafeh in Nablus

Until a few years ago, I never tasted knafeh. Something about that fluorescent orange color on top of the sweet cheese pastry didn’t pull me in. When I fell in love with baking I became more daring and decided to try anything sweet. And what’s sweeter than knafeh? (Well, other than the cup of tea full of sugar served alongside.)

Blueberry Smoothie

Every weekend ends and every week starts, but not easily. Not for me at least. Sunday is my longest workday. My week starts with a boom. Recently I traveled to Provence where I discovered that their week starts differently, and not just because it starts on Monday.

Coffee / Peanut Butter & Chocolate / Cinnamon-Banana Smoothie

Last summer I got a new blender as a gift from my parents, and since then I use it non-stop. Although I already managed to drop it and nick a corner, I can still use it.  Until I get around to replacing the broken part, I had to post my favorite smoothie mixes inspired by Jerusalem’s Muffin Boutique, where I also happened to discover the yummiest pumpkin cream cheese muffin in town.

Disney Gingerbread Castle

For more than six months now, my niece, Najwa, has been dropping clues about her desired birthday gift. On Amal’s last birthday, another niece of mine, I gave her a 3D Disney castle puzzle that excited my nieces a lot and their mothers even more. So I started looking for a similar gift for Najwa’s upcoming birthday, and came across a crazy 4,080-piece LEGO Disney castle.

Pirate Ship Cake (And Everything I Know About Fondant)

In the summer of 2011, my friend Merav went for a hike with friends in the Golan. Right at the beginning of the trip, she fell and broke her leg. After emergency evacuation, surgery and treatment, she had to stay at home and keep off her feet to recuperate. So she asked me to help her bake cupcakes for her birthday. Back then, I didn’t even know how to turn on an oven, but I was happy to help a friend in need. She gave me a detailed list and sent me to “Mana Ahrona,” a bake shop in Jerusalem’s Mahane Yehuda market. I entered the store, looked around and felt lost. Shlomit, the owner, approached me with a smile and asked if my wife sent me with a shopping list. “Yes!” I answered immediately. I gave her the list with one thought in mind: what in the world is fondant!?

Ilana & Romy’s Wedding Cake

When my friends Ilana and Romy asked me to make the cake for their wedding on the Italian island of Sicily, I hesitated. Traveling overseas to make a cake in an unknown kitchen is not easy. When Ilana told me her vision, a naked cake with classic Sicilian flavors like pistachio, lemons and figs – wait, pistachio? Of course I’m going to make this wedding cake. And so I traveled to Sicily last week and made a pistachio and lemon mascarpone cream wedding cake.

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