Peanut Butter Mousse Cubes (In Other Words: Snickers)
What do you do when all the pistachios are gone? You start seeing other nuts. The first to catch my eye was the hazelnut. A round nut with an elegant sharp tip. I made delicious financier cookies out of it. My second date was with the peanut. It turned out a little square. To spice things up, I added chocolate and got a wonderful peanut butter mousse cube.
Christmas Tree Chocolate Mousse
Last Christmas I prepared gingerbread cookies in the holiday spirit and decorated my plastic Christmas tree with them. That same week I traveled with the whole family to Turkey and celebrated Christmas there.
Oreo Mousse Cheesecake
In addition to the evil eye cookies I made for my dad’s birthday last month, I made him a small Oreo mousse cheesecake. Yup, small. It happens on every birthday. By the time we get to the cake, everyone is already full from the chocolates and sweets. So I made a small cake to fit our appetites. What a mistake. The cake was so delicious, it was gone in a matter of seconds.
Gianduja Chocolate Mousse Cake
Two years ago I had a little breakdown. Not that I actually had anything to complain about, but I felt like something in my life was missing. Something small to complete a smile at the end of the day. One day, on my way to visit the family in Jaffa, I was listening on repeat to Lane Boy by Twenty One Pilot. Suddenly it struck me why I love this song so much.
Peanut Butter Chocolate Mousse Cake
One of my cool aunts asked me to make a birthday cake for her daughter. When I asked her what kind of cake she was thinking about, she sent me a picture of a Reese’s cake decorated with the peanut butter cups themselves. I took the challenge under one condition: the family must act as my guinea pigs and provide me with constructive criticism. There was another tiny condition: that they would leave me a small piece of cake to try, but somehow all the evidence disappeared after the knife started cutting the cake.
Pistachio Tiramisu Cake
I’m having an unlucky week. I have been waiting for it to end since it started. From terrible backaches that don’t go away, to yet another annoying virus, to a non-stop leak from the ceiling and to electrical appliances that die out on you in the middle of a cold and stormy day. But here comes the redemption at last. The sun is shining and the weekend is here. In a little while I’ll be on my way to my family in Jaffa. I’m going to carry this tiramisu cake with me to celebrate my little brother’s birthday. Apparently, he really likes pistachios, just like his big brother. I guess the pistachio doesn’t fall far from the tree.
Coffee Gianduja Chocolate Mousse Cake v2.0
Last year, I made a coffee gianduja chocolate mousse cake for Sumaya’s birthday (and not Somalia, as customers sometimes call her.. innocently of course). Sumaya is a colleague of mine. We work at the pharmacy and terrorize our customers together. Well, only those who are impatient enough to cross the red line marked on the floor they’re supposed to wait behind (or the line we can put up with). For them the red line is probably an imaginary one.. Part of the décor in the pharmacy. But I guess that’s how things work in this part of the world.
Coffee Gianduja Chocolate Mousse Cake
** The post was updated and revised in a new post with a more pronounced coffee flavor, an espresso brownies base and a better preparation method. You can find the update in this link ** It’s not every day you celebrate a birthday. It’s not every day you eat a birthday cake. A festive event calls for a festive cake. And what’s more festive than brownies with hazelnuts, topped with a layer of dark chocolate & coffee mousse, topped with a second layer of gianduja chocolate mousse. Three layers of pure joy.

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Apple Banana Blueberry Caramel Cherry Chestnut Chocolate Cinnamon Coconut Coffee Dark chocolate Dates Dulce chocolate Gianduja Ginger Hazelnuts Honey kadaif Kinder chocolate Lavender Lemon Lime Maple Marzipan Mascarpone Meringue Milk chocolate Mint Oreo Passion fruit Peanuts Pears Pistachio Pomegranate Pumpkin Raspberry Ricotta Ruby chocolate Strawberry Vanilla Walnuts White chocolate Wine Yuzu Zucchini