Christmas Tree Tartlets

I still remember how my siblings and I used to hear the bells approaching our neighborhood on Christmas Eve as kids. We would immediately run to the windows, hoping to get a glimpse of Santa Claus riding his reindeer-drawn sleigh his car with a huge inflatable reindeer on top. How we used to wish he’d stop by our house too, until mom got the idea eventually and invited him in!

Chocolate Meringue Tartlets

Last year my American friends invited me to their Thanksgiving dinner. I baked these chocolate meringue tartlets for the event, in addition to a pistachio tart I brought as back-up. I’m pretty sure the other guests enjoyed these tartlets, you could see it on their faces. Literally, there were traces of meringue all over their beards and noses!

Chestnut Crembo

Crembo season is here. I’m not sure what’s more exciting, the smell of the first rain or the bite from the first crembo, a classic local treat. When I eat a crembo, I personally like to start from the top and when I reach the cookie, I eat it too. Sometimes I feel like peeling all the chocolate off and eat the meringue separately. Indeed, there are many ways to eat a crembo, but why crembo in a pita is one of them I will never understand.

Lemon Crembo

Last week, Lauren & her family came to visit Jerusalem. They used to be very close neighbors once upon a time. When we met I asked Dekel, one of the kids, if he’s enjoying his trip. He said he’s having a lot of fun here, but is bummed that Crembo isn’t sold here during summer. An idea came to my mind. I went straight back home to the kitchen and started making Crembo as a little surprise for his visit the next day. He was happy, and so was I.

Coffee Mascarpone Macarons

It’s been a while since I last posted anything, and probably will not post anything else for a little while. It might be summertime that’s not pulling me into the kitchen to bake. Perhaps it’s the fact that I just moved into a new apartment, with a new kitchen, that probably threw me off my element. In order to get back to business I decided to tackle something familiar and close to my heart, macarons.

Three Chocolate Plaisir Sucré

The blog is still so young and I’m already writing another post about another brilliant creation by the French chef Pierre Hermé. This time it’s not about macarons. This time it’s about a cake that carries the name plaisir sucré, which means “sweet pleasure”. The chef couldn’t have chosen a more accurate name for this delicacy.

Hazelnut Succès

I never really liked hazelnuts. Whenever my mother brought back home a bag of mixed nuts from my uncle’s roasting house “King Hussein” that’s a little south of Gan-Tamar (Tamar’s Garden) in Jaffa, I would always separate the hazelnuts from the rest of the nuts and set them aside, just like an American kid separating his least favorite M&M color from the rest.

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